The Renewable Energy Paradox: Addressing the Contradictions of Climate Change Solutions
By Nalini Heinmüller - 24 April 2023
Photo by Vlad Chețan
Tackling societal challenges like climate change often comes with a lot of contradictions and is not as black and white as we may think it is. A perfect example of such a contradiction is the clearing of thousands of hectares of rainforest for mining sites to extract the metals and minerals required for renewable energy technologies, such as wind turbines, solar panels, and electric cars. Not exactly what we want to hear when we want to talk about “clean energy," but unfortunately an inevitable and vital topic to address within this field.
At Ideas From Europe, we work together with our Energy Scale-Up team to do what is necessary to accelerate the energy transition in a future-proof manner and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal of affordable and clean energy. However, during our efforts in doing so, we also need to take a step back and ask ourselves: is our energy transition really worth the destruction of valuable natural spaces?
This issue has been addressed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). They highlight not only the environmental- but also the human rights violations caused by mining companies. While large international companies are pushing small indigenous local communities off their land for intended gas and rare earth element extraction, environmentalists and conservationists are being killed by hitmen. In the past decade, an average of two environmentalists and conservationists have been killed per day, which is a disturbing trend. However, the demand for special metals and minerals needed for renewable energy sources is only growing. By 2050, this is expected to grow by 500 percent.
Finding solutions to the climate change solution
To effectively resolve conflicts and hold mining companies accountable, mining procedures need to adhere to national laws and regulations. As a renewable energy company, it is essential to thoroughly research the environmental impact of mining, including its long-term effects on water sources, agriculture, ecosystems, and the local population.
To reduce our reliance on unsustainable mining practices, there is an urgent need for further research and development of alternative materials for renewable energy technologies. For instance, organic solar cells that use organic electrons instead of rare metals are being developed, and innovative methods of extracting metals and minerals that are less harmful to the environment are being explored. Thinking outside the box, such as using cooling systems in business parks to store energy, offers an alternative to traditional battery storage that involves the use of polluting materials. This energy storage system offers flexibility to the electricity grid and serves as a backup power source.
While the extraction of metals and minerals for renewable energy technologies can cause environmental damage, it is important to recognize that the environmental benefits of using renewable energy sources far outweigh their negative impacts. The damage caused by fossil fuel extraction, transportation, storage, and refining is incomparable and poses significant environmental risks, including oil spills and pipeline leaks. Therefore, transitioning to a renewable energy future is crucial for mitigating the worst impacts of climate change and reducing our dependence on finite and polluting fossil fuels.
While the world is embracing renewable energy sources to combat climate change, it's important to be aware of the challenges that accompany the transition. By questioning and reevaluating our decisions, we can avoid potential long-term damages. Climate-smart mining and following international mining standards are essential, and it's a task for everyone, from mining companies, governments, and investors to green tech companies, scientists, and consumers. By aligning our knowledge and awareness, new and better solutions can be created to move all of us closer to a future-proof planet for the generations to come.
As a knowledge platform for innovation, Ideas From Europe shines a spotlight on European entrepreneurs who offer solutions to global challenges, such as the energy transition, placing them in the center of their communities and facilitating connections with relevant stakeholders.
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