Jody van der Vegte Jody van der Vegte

Het Klimaateffect van Waterstof - de Do’s en Dont’s voor een net zero 2050 (Dutch)

De waterstofeconomie krijgt volop aandacht in Nederland, met grote industriële maatwerkafspraken en internationale handelsverdragen. Tegelijkertijd groeit de bezorgdheid over de klimaatrisico's van waterstofemissies, vooral wanneer waterstof in de atmosfeer terechtkomt. Experts benadrukken het belang van verder onderzoek naar deze emissies en hun impact op het klimaat. Hoewel er behoefte is aan verbeterde meetapparatuur, is er al een lijst van do's en don'ts opgesteld om waterstof vanaf het begin klimaatbewust te implementeren en zo de energietransitie te ondersteunen zonder klimaatvoordelen te verliezen.

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Agroforestry Maria Méndez Agroforestry Maria Méndez

The Environmental Benefits of Agroforestry

Agroforestry is a land management system integrating trees with crops or livestock, and it is emerging as a potent climate mitigation tool for enhancing carbon sequestration. The carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry rivals or even exceeds that of traditional afforestation or forest ecosystems, according to recent studies. Agroforestry is thus gaining renewed attention, but for it to be more widely adopted, we must better understand how it works, and the environmental benefits it brings.

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Maya van der Steenhoven Maya van der Steenhoven

Bijeenkomst klimaatimpact van Waterstof: Wetenschap en Handelingsperspectief

Op 19 juni 2024 organiseerde de Sustainable Scale-Up Foundation een bijeenkomst over de klimaatimpact van waterstof, waarin experts de risico's van waterstofemissies en hun effecten op klimaatverandering bespraken. Belangrijke onderwerpen waren de noodzaak van nauwkeurige monitoring en beleid om de klimaatvoordelen van waterstof te waarborgen.

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Hydrogen Jody van der Vegte Hydrogen Jody van der Vegte

Hydrogen as an Indirect Greenhouse Gas: Minor Issue or Major Concern?

While hydrogen developments are in full swing, there is increasing scientific attention to the climate risks of hydrogen emissions. This necessitates a careful examination of the scientifically proven benefits and drawbacks of hydrogen, without dampening our enthusiasm for the energy transition. A crucial question is: how do we ensure a hydrogen economy that minimises negative climate impacts?

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Nederlands, Hydrogen Jody van der Vegte Nederlands, Hydrogen Jody van der Vegte

Waterstof als indirect broeikasgas: klein en onbelangrijk, of substantieel en iets om aan te pakken?

Terwijl de waterstof ontwikkelingen in volle gang zijn, is er in de wetenschap steeds meer aandacht voor de klimaatrisico’s van waterstofemissies. Dit vraagt ons om, zonder het enthousiasme voor de energietransitie te verliezen, goed te kijken naar de wetenschappelijk aangetoonde voor- en nadelen van waterstof. Een belangrijke vraag is: hoe zorgen we voor een waterstofeconomie waarin de negatieve effecten op het klimaat zo klein mogelijk zijn?

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Energy Transition Maria Méndez Energy Transition Maria Méndez

Europe's Struggle with Overloaded Power Grids Threatens Sustainability Goals

The demand for electricity in Europe is increasing. To a certain extent this is a positive sign – it is a result of the energy transition being in full swing. However, European countries are struggling to keep pace with this growing demand, which is leading to grid congestion and difficulties in connecting renewable energy sources like wind and solar parks. In other words, the power grid is becoming overloaded due to limited capacity, and this of course comes with challenges for electricity generators, consumers, businesses, and most of all for the grid operators – the ones responsible not only for connecting every house and company to the grid, but also for balancing supply and demand. Join us as we explore what this means and what can be done.

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Impact Entrepreneurship, Solutions Maria Méndez Impact Entrepreneurship, Solutions Maria Méndez

A Conversation with Henry Pohan Simangunsong on Clean Drinking Water in Indonesia

Approximately 192 million Indonesians lack access to safe water, while 14 million lack access to proper sanitation. In a recent interview with Henry Pohan Simangunsong, we delved into the critical issue of clean drinking water access in Indonesia and what he’s doing about it as an impact entrepreneur.

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Impact Entrepreneurship Maria Méndez Impact Entrepreneurship Maria Méndez

The Ideas From Europe Podcast

We are thrilled to announce that we are launching the Ideas From Europe Podcast. We will feature interviews with inspiring individuals and impact entrepreneurs; spotlight crucial innovation topics and impactful solutions that aim to make a difference.

Tune in to listen to Rita Prota and Ahmed Khalil discuss the revolutionary potential of lab digitisation.

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Biodiversity Rita Prota Biodiversity Rita Prota

Forensics Meets Wildlife Conservation: The Story of The Wildlife Forensic Academy told by Andro Vos

In an interview, we caught up with Andro Vos, a pioneer in the fields of forensics and wildlife preservation, and founder of the Wildlife Forensic Academy (WFA). After having taken his unique ideas to the TEDxBinnenhof in 2014, he now shares his vision for the future of the WFA and the impact he hopes to make in the world of forensics and conservation.

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