Since the start of this year, the Sustainable Scale-Up Foundation and five international partners have been conducting research on the digitalisation and deep tech innovation ecosystem within the energy transition across the Netherlands, Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary as part of WEnnovate, a project funded by the European Commission. Together, we aim to foster the transition to local energy communities, addressing issues such as grid congestion in the current energy system. Our final output will consist of action plans that will be presented to the European Commission in November.
We have conducted interviews during our research and held a first stakeholder workshop with energy professionals and relevant stakeholders from the energy industry, academia, government and civil society. This way we were able to increase our understanding on the current policy, bottlenecks and recommendations.
Now we are ready to present our insights and map the next steps together with you. Therefore, we invite you to our second stakeholder workshop in which we will explore the integration of deep tech and digital innovations in the energy transition.
The EU ambitions for digitalisation of the energy systems: insights from the European Commission
National strategies for digital innovation: perspective from the government
Breakout sessions: crafting solutions to key challenges
Insights and takeaways
This session will be a part of a two-day online event scheduled for June 26th and 27th:
During 2 days, we will dive deep into energy transition challenges and map possible solutions to them.
It will include sessions about 4 countries: the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine. You can choose which strategic session you are willing to join or attend all of them.
Secure your spot today! The detailed agenda will follow.